Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

New Find For Garden Room

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Look what I found for my garden room at the antique mall. The cutest little table with two chairs. Red and white! I was instantly smitten.

As always, I had my trusty little measuring tape with me. And I knew it would go perfectly right here.

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I loved the little outdoor table I painted red and the Pier 1 outdoor chairs I originally had in this spot. The problem was, the chairs had arms and they wouldn’t fit underneath the table. So they took up so much room, I had to move a chair every time I wanted to get into my bookshelves.

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Yes, my computer is still in the shop. The other one isn’t even in transit. But I hijacked my husband’s and downloaded my software. You must have known I couldn’t stay away from Blog land for long, now didn’t you?

I’m linking up to Cielo’s Show Off Your Cottage Monday.


I have to show Clyde in a basket I put next to the bed. He loves little spots to get into.

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I also wanted to show you my first bloom on my angel’s trumpet. Isn’t it lovely?

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Please go visit Cielo for other participants.

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