Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

There's Sunshine On My Shoulders

We have abundant sunshine, hot temperatures, and not much else going on around these parts.

Let's stroll through the gardens and see what's what, shall we?

For those of you who are new to this place, I call these the corner fairy gardens.

Clyde's favorite scratch tree. We couldn't figure out what was making the horrid marks on our crepe myrtle trees. Yep, it's Clyde sharpening his claws.

This is Miss Abi. She thinks she runs things, by the way. Simply a delusion.

Mister Charlie Ross. The essence of pure sweetness and honey.

The pavilion we had built this year. It's pretty hot to enjoy it right now. But when it's a bit cooler, it's the perfect place for company or a good book.

The view from the very back of the yard. Obviously it isn't a big yard. But pretty good sized for a garden home yard.

I loved this contrast. Of course potato vines look good with most anything. The perfect backdrop.

The ginormous waterfall recently built for our little pond. Ten thousand pounds of stone.

I had almost nothing blooming out here yesterday. But these two waterlilies today made up for it. I hope you enjoyed your tour of the yard.

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