Selasa, 28 September 2010

Delighting In Victoria Magazine

I have fallen in love with the Tuesday posts celebrating Victoria magazine. While my blog, which is quite colorful, might not make you think of romantic inspiration, I will give you my take on this matter.

I'm linking up with A Delightsome Life blog, in its weekly series of A Return To Loveliness.

Victoria magazine has always been one of my favorites. I mourned when it stopped putting out issues. And I was so happy when it returned. For I find so many ideas within its pages that I can utilize in my own style of decorating.

This is the type vignette you're likely to see at my house.

Without a doubt, I'm probably not ever going to decorate in whites and neutrals. So the July/August 2010 issue of Victoria magazine was right up my alley.

This morning when I finished my first cup of coffee, I asked myself: do I fit in the genre of romantic decorating? Traditionally, I would say no. But then I love cozy, and I think cozy is also romantic. It evokes home. 

This is written on the front cover of Victoria magazine: Decorating, Enterprising Women, Traveling, Entertaining.

I love to decorate, and I travel within its beautiful pages. I am entertained by the images so gorgeously styled to perfection in each treasured issue.

I cherish the books put out by the editors of Victoria. They are keepers.

Above is an accumulation (there was no set to be purchased) of dishes I found at the consignment shop. Though they are blue, which is one of my signature colors, I think the pattern is very romantic.

You will find beach decor at my house. And lots of what I consider pretty. Which is shades of red and whimsical items that are cherished because of one reason or another. Perhaps it is all I have left of someone truly dear to me.

 May Victoria magazine be around for a long, long time. Because the beauty in its pages are what I will return to again and again.

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