Senin, 31 Mei 2010

What A Month & A New Red Sideboard


What better on my little dining room table on this Memorial Day than gingham oilcloth? Which has been around, what, forever it seems? I think of it as classic Americana.

This May has certainly been a rather wild ride for me. I don’t know if I can take a more exciting month. So I hope for June to be a bit more ordinary so I can catch my breath.

I finally found the sideboard I’ve been searching for for over a year to put in my tiny 10 x 10 dining room that looks out over the gardens.


I found it Saturday at what I refer to as the antique mall out behind The Blue Store. If you don’t live around these parts, you’ve never heard of The Blue Store.

It’s actually a service station/restaurant/convenience store outside of town. We call it The Blue Store, because well, it’s blue. If it has another name, I’ve never heard it.


It’s one heavy piece of furniture. It was marked $195. I ended up getting it for $165. I have no idea as to its origins.


My dilemma has been that this small room has glass doors on two entire walls. One wall has the black hutch on it and also the doorway into my kitchen. The wall you see this on is a fairly open entry to the living room. I wanted something here to hide the monstrous electrical cords on the other side of it. Nothing I found up till now quite did the trick for me.

Herein lies the problem…


And this is where I need your help. Obviously, since it’s on an open wall, the back of it shows. And there’s a chair not far behind it that my husband must have glued to that spot.

What do you think I should do here? I’ve pondered covering it with toile fabric. Any ideas out there?


I brought it home and immediately got out the orange oil that brings a nice sheen to the wood.


Then this morning I learned that the outdoor pillows I’ve been salivating over at PB finally went on sale. And today is free shipping! I ordered two.


I would like these to go in my two club chairs out under the pavilion. I just love the blue. Looks like the sky. Twenty inches of luscious pillow to rest my weary back against whilst I sit and think about all that’s happened in so short a time. Wonderful things and not so wonderful things. But life, just the same.

Such is life.


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