Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

PB Outdoor Pillows & Some Changes


Here are the new outdoor pillows I ordered from Pottery Barn online. Aren’t they a pretty floral? I’m rather in love with this shade of blue.


Due to the influx of rats, I went to great measures this week. I had someone come landscape the west side of my house, which is the side by the street where I seldom go.

It was a jungle over there. Really. While I was injured and in that steel boot until around Christmas time, things got seriously out of control. Dead plants, crazed wild vines, bushes on steroids. So bad I didn’t even take a photo to show you.

Some of you may recall my clearing out my next door neighbor’s yard a year ago, and getting the most horrid case of poison ivy. So I decided to leave the vines to the professionals.

Here is how it looks now:

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One crew did all this in a day and a half. It was amazing to watch them work. In case you live in my area, it was Jarrod’s Lawn & Landscaping. I just had to ask the owner of the business how old he was. I could hardly believe he was 28 years old, and had such a professional demeanor and crew working alongside him. This young man got things done. And my neighbor quickly grabbed him for her place while he was here.

Though my yard is a certified wildlife habitat, I simply can’t live with rats. So they cleaned the place up a bit. It’s a less conducive environment for vermin with beady little eyes now. I don’t want to drive away small critters that need a home. Really I don’t. I just don’t want rats laughing peeking out at me from behind my red mirror!

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They trimmed all the tree limbs w-a-y back. You know, I love the long limbs of my Crepe Myrtle trees curving down lush with blooms. But so did the rats. They literally sat in the trees laughing screeching at me.

So I have a very open view full of sunlight now. I will possibly kick myself as this heat continues to climb. But maybe the rats will at least have left the neighborhood for shadier digs.

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There was just no way I was going to feel serene in my yard, lounging about in my night gown on the pavilion, with rats lurking in the dark around me.

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So it isn’t as full of nature’s bounty as it was a few days ago. It is a stream-lined version.

Look at Charlie staring into the flower bed. Looks like he doesn’t own a head.

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And though there is no sign of our Bonnie cat, Clyde has finally this week started to perk up. He still will not set foot in the guest room, which is where they slept. Poor thing. But he is a bit more animated.

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Last night I stood on the deck and stared out at the fence, watching that red mirror very closely. I didn’t move a muscle. Watching. But no rats appeared. It is a pity we can’t all live in harmony. It truly is. But I draw the line at rats. Draw…the…line.

I’ll be back next time with some indoor changes. I’ve been crafting!

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