Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Welcome Wagon Friday & Another CSN Giveaway

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This giveaway is sponsored by CSN, which has over 200 online stores where you can find almost anything you need, whether it be a sofa or a suitcase, a crib or a cookie sheet.

I recently had a giveaway sponsored by this company, and now they’re offering my readers yet another. This giveaway is available only to the US and Canada. (Sorry about that, my friends in other locales. I don’t make the rules.) This time the gift certificate is for $100. All you have to do is comment on this post between now and Saturday night. On Sunday I will use the Random Generator to choose a winner. I will then contact CSN with the winner’s name and email address. And they will be sent a one-time-use $100 gift certificate to be used at any of CSN’s 200+ websites. So please don’t forget to add your email address at the bottom of your comment.

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The lazy days of summer are here,folks. I’m staying inside much of the time now, except for early in the morning and late in the evenings. I sit here in my little dining room and stare out at the gardens, viewing them through the glass doors from the luxury of central air conditioning.

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So here are my picks this week for Welcome Wagon Friday.

Sixty-Fifth Avenue is written by a blogger who lives in a suburb of Chicago. I was immediately entranced by her fairy gardens. She has the same little plaque I do out in the yard, which says, “Where you believe there is magic, you will find it.” She built one fairy garden on a bench planter she found at a flea market. (It is extraordinary!) And she says that Craig’s List is a great place to find avid gardeners giving away their extra plants. Good thing to know for you gardeners out there!

My French Country Home is written by a blogger in Normandy, who loves interior design, writing, and painting. She describes her blog as highlighting good food, beautiful countryside, and bits and pieces she finds in local brocantes. All this, along with children, dogs, and horses, found in a deep green valley in the heart of Normandy.

A Tree Lined Street is by a blogger living in a 1940’s cottage on a tree lined street. When she was first married, her mother gave her a painting she had done of a beautiful lone tree. With the advice: “Grow where you are planted.” She has taken this advice to heart. They just returned from Paris, which she says is the most inspiring place on earth. (Great photos of their trip, as well!)

You will enjoy the wonderful photography and well-written posts on all of these new blogs. And get to know three great women who’ve joined our ranks.

So send the Welcome Wagon their way, and give a warm reception to these newcomers who have become part of our ever growing community. Blog Land is such a great place to make new friends!

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