Everyone knows how much I love my critters.
How very special they are to me.
But I'm having a problem and need some advice.
You see, Abi has such a bad case of separation anxiety that the vet last week proclaimed she has "stress-induced gastritis."
If I leave her for a small amount of time, she goes ballistic. Cries and yaps like she's being physically tortured. I feel guilty every time I go out the door.
She even hates it when I'm on the phone. This is a newer symptom of her anxiety. She scrunches her little body up like she's afraid. She moans and whines.
Her anxiety drives her to eat plants and then promptly throw them up. I feel terrible for her, that she feels such pain. I wish I could convey to her that I would never leave her willingly. That she is in my pocket forever. Yes, I realize that she has me wound around her little paw.
But please tell me, oh wise blogger pet moms, what am I to do? I try to be a good pet mom. I realize she is "special" and that she needs extra patience.
Clyde is so laid-back. Charlie Ross is easy to placate.
I tell myself that Abi came to me because I am at a time in my life that I can devote so much of my time to her. That I can tolerate her being sick a lot, spooning her anti-nausea medication, loving her unconditionally as any mother would.
Last Saturday afternoon I was at the grocery store. A van next to me had two Schnauzers in the car. The windows were rolled down a couple of inches. But any fool with a brain knew it was too hot in that vehicle for them. I was livid. I went inside and told the manager, who did nothing.
About 45 minutes later, I get in my car and the woman is getting into her van. I overhear her say to the grocery store employee, "Oh, maybe I should have left the air on or something."
I look over and say, "Yes, I was worried about those dogs."
She ignores me. Then I sit and watch her drive to the front of the store. Her husband (presumably) and two kids have been sitting under an umbrella outside this entire time, I see. I am stymied. Why on earth didn't they take those two poor dogs and let them sit there with them instead of leaving them in the van?
What has happened in this world to common sense? Our pets are not objects. They look to us to care for them. That woman was old enough to know better. Did she just not care? Not think?
Aren't there laws about this kind of thing? Because I see it all the time.
What do you do when you see this happening where you live?
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