Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Hope, One Comment At A Time

The new waterfall is seven days old today. Now a mockingbird sits in the tree behind it and sings to me the entire time I'm working outside. 

Perhaps it is the roaring sound of the waterfall that attracts it to my yard. Or just serendipity.

A gift...

The mockingbird is the state bird of Texas. And it's owning up to its reputation in my yard. By singing me its complete repertoire of bird songs.

What if you could make a stranger smile? Someone you'll never meet, who sorely needs a pick-me-up? Would you want to participate if it took just a few minutes each week?

Then check this out: 
It Starts With Us  & Drop A Love Bomb 

Every week participants are notified of a new "mission." 

In previous months it has been everyone from a man visiting his dying mother to an artist slowly going blind. 

Then, on a pre-determined day, team members converge on the comments section of the chosen person's blog.

This week it happens to be a single mom with breast cancer. Her name is Nanette and she is a real estate agent in Austin. 

I just checked her blog. She had 429 comments of love and support from friends and strangers alike. Isn't that remarkable? I was #430.

A young man by the name of Nate thought up this marvelous concept. 

Everyone wants to help out in some way, but most people say: "Hey, where do I find the time?" 

Nate decided one day that he was going to change the world. With just a small amount of time allotted. But achieving great things.

Check out these articles: 
Making The World A Better Place One Email At A Time 
Directed Acts Of Kindness

And if you're so inclined, join the team, as I just have. Maybe one day that will be you needing that pick-me-up. And a stranger may come out of nowhere and provide it for you.

If one desires a forest, it begins with one tree. Equally, if you want to plant a garden, it begins with one plant or seed. 

If you want to make a difference, you can.

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