Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Still Enjoying Outside Color

While many of you speak of hard frosts and snow, I still have color and greenery in my yard.

That's Charlie Ross sitting in one of my pots of pansies watching a lizard on the brick wall. Yes, he squashed them and I had to cut them back.

This ginger sure is pretty right now.

The neighborhood leaves are peaking in fall color.

Yes indeed, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Fabric Collage Wreath

It's been a very interesting day. I started making this wreath late this morning. Then at noon I called my dentist and said I was having discomfort. I went in an hour later. (He's just a block away.)

I came home with a new temporary crown. And possibly might have to have a root canal. Won't know for a couple of days. Last month when I got my teeth cleaned, he reminded me that this cracked tooth would eventually have to be worked on.

Okay, got that out of the way. I might not make much sense. I missed lunch in all the hoopla.

I'm linking to Kim's Before & After Party.

I bought this wreath at Hobby Lobby half off a few weeks ago. Which made it less than $2.

I used what I had. Being a quilter, I had muslin in various sized pieces. I ripped the muslin in a width of about four inches.

I didn't even take the plastic off the wreath. Figured it would be less messy as I worked. I just used a glue stick, and started wrapping. When I put a piece down, I'd add a bit of glue and then pin it down till it dried, so I could continue to get pieces ready to wrap.

I'd gotten this far when I left for the dentist. The muslin part was complete.

I really had no idea what I was going to do. I just had an idea of the look I was going for. I got out my stash of neutral bits and bobs.

At this point I'm home with a very numb mouth, starved but can't eat for two hours, and ready to roll. So I just got things out of this box and started wrapping it this way and that until I was pleased with the look. I hot-glued the rest of it on.

Last week at Hobby Lobby they had wedding materials half off. So I picked up some flowers and such, knowing I'd find a use for it. Didn't realize it would be this soon however.

After the flowers were attached, I still wasn't completely happy with the look. So I got my jewelry box out. Remember I told you I went through a phase about 13 years ago when I thought I'd be interested in making jewelry? And here the box still sat.

So after adding some buttons, I decided to add pretty straight pins. Then I added some beads to the buttons to make it look unified.

But I still wanted a little more bling. So I stuck more beads from my box along the pins and stacked the beads. Then just pushed the pins into the wreath. Simple, simple!

You know that feeling when your mouth is numb but your chin itches? Well, that's what I'm going through now. When am I going to be able to eat without missing my mouth, I'm wondering?

Surely soon! It's after 4 p.m. at this point. I'm so hungry I could eat cardboard. Well, maybe not cardboard.

Please go over and visit Kim for more participants.

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Welcome Wagon Friday 11/19/10

It's that time of week again. Right before the weekend when you can bookmark some new links to check out. This week I've found for you:

Cottage Hill is Lindy's blog. Her goal is to make every day life beautiful. She says: "I'm crafty, I'm quirky, I'm cheap. I love houses." (Well, we like all of these qualities, don't we? This gal managed to take a couple of vintage books and turn it into a planter. Gotta see her craftiness.

Bees Knees Bungalow is Jeanne's blog. She loves decorating and redecorating. She and her husband raised four kids. They grew up around saw dust, paint cans, wood stain samples and paint brushes.

Custom Comforts is a single mother of a 21 year old daughter. She has always wanted to pursue a career in interior design. While working, she attended classes part-time. Her newly launched interior design business is called "Custom Comforts" to which this blog is dedicated.

Emerald Cove is a blog by a woman whose journey it is to find the simple things in life. She manages to find a lot of pretty things, I can vouch for that!

House Of White Interiors is eye candy you will surely want to sit and eat very slowly, savoring every single bite.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit down to visit these talented and creative ladies. That Welcome Wagon just keeps on moving across the world because of those of you who choose to spread joy to others!

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Gone To The Critters

Everyone knows how much I love my critters.

How very special they are to me.

But I'm having a problem and need some advice.

You see, Abi has such a bad case of separation anxiety that the vet last week proclaimed she has "stress-induced gastritis."

If I leave her for a small amount of time, she goes ballistic. Cries and yaps like she's being physically tortured. I feel guilty every time I go out the door.

 She even hates it when I'm on the phone. This is a newer symptom of her anxiety. She scrunches her little body up like she's afraid. She moans and whines.  

Her anxiety drives her to eat plants and then promptly throw them up. I feel terrible for her, that she feels such pain. I wish I could convey to her that I would never leave her willingly. That she is in my pocket forever. Yes, I realize that she has me wound around her little paw.

But please tell me, oh wise blogger pet moms, what am I to do? I try to be a good pet mom. I realize she is "special" and that she needs extra patience.

Clyde is so laid-back. Charlie Ross is easy to placate.

I tell myself that Abi came to me because I am at a time in my life that I can devote so much of my time to her. That I can tolerate her being sick a lot, spooning her anti-nausea medication, loving her unconditionally as any mother would. 

Last Saturday afternoon I was at the grocery store. A van next to me had two Schnauzers in the car. The windows were rolled down a couple of inches. But any fool with a brain knew it was too hot in that vehicle for them. I was livid. I went inside and told the manager, who did nothing.

About 45 minutes later, I get in my car and the woman is getting into her van. I overhear her say to the grocery store employee, "Oh, maybe I should have left the air on or something." 

I look over and say, "Yes, I was worried about those dogs." 

She ignores me. Then I sit and watch her drive to the front of the store. Her husband (presumably) and two kids have been sitting under an umbrella outside this entire time, I see. I am stymied. Why on earth didn't they take those two poor dogs and let them sit there with them instead of leaving them in the van? 

What has happened in this world to common sense? Our pets are not objects. They look to us to care for them. That woman was old enough to know better. Did she just not care? Not think? 

Aren't there laws about this kind of thing? Because I see it all the time. 

What do you do when you see this happening where you live?
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Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Hope, One Comment At A Time

The new waterfall is seven days old today. Now a mockingbird sits in the tree behind it and sings to me the entire time I'm working outside. 

Perhaps it is the roaring sound of the waterfall that attracts it to my yard. Or just serendipity.

A gift...

The mockingbird is the state bird of Texas. And it's owning up to its reputation in my yard. By singing me its complete repertoire of bird songs.

What if you could make a stranger smile? Someone you'll never meet, who sorely needs a pick-me-up? Would you want to participate if it took just a few minutes each week?

Then check this out: 
It Starts With Us  & Drop A Love Bomb 

Every week participants are notified of a new "mission." 

In previous months it has been everyone from a man visiting his dying mother to an artist slowly going blind. 

Then, on a pre-determined day, team members converge on the comments section of the chosen person's blog.

This week it happens to be a single mom with breast cancer. Her name is Nanette and she is a real estate agent in Austin. 

I just checked her blog. She had 429 comments of love and support from friends and strangers alike. Isn't that remarkable? I was #430.

A young man by the name of Nate thought up this marvelous concept. 

Everyone wants to help out in some way, but most people say: "Hey, where do I find the time?" 

Nate decided one day that he was going to change the world. With just a small amount of time allotted. But achieving great things.

Check out these articles: 
Making The World A Better Place One Email At A Time 
Directed Acts Of Kindness

And if you're so inclined, join the team, as I just have. Maybe one day that will be you needing that pick-me-up. And a stranger may come out of nowhere and provide it for you.

If one desires a forest, it begins with one tree. Equally, if you want to plant a garden, it begins with one plant or seed. 

If you want to make a difference, you can.

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Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

A Mid-October Seasonal Sunday

The leaves are turning, colors fading. Time to bring out harvest hues.

I'm linking up to The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sundays.

Jars waiting to be filled with goodies from the kitchen. Preparing for the holidays.

Plants to be brought in. Sheltered for the winter months. The garden to be tucked in snugly.

Daisies making a comeback in the cooler months of fall.

And of course, mums a-blooming.

No matter the season, this scenario never changes. Charlie Ross keeping a close vigil on the lizards.

Have a wonderful fall Sunday.

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