Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Few More Bumps In The Road

Or perhaps more accurately, I should have titled this post: A Few More Bumps In The Sewer, Etc. 

Yep, within five days of the plumbers coming out last Friday night at 9 p.m., we had to call them back out Wednesday night at 8 p.m. I'm beginning to think outdoor toilets may have to come back in vogue at my house.

I had to also call the electricians back one more time this week. Thankfully, that was just a tripped whatever- they're-called that I wasn't here for them to explain to me the first time round last week. Because I had to leave to get my broken glasses fixed at the optical shop.

Monday is the day they have to come tear into my pond. It has been sitting with mucky water in it for a week. I can't pump it out because the back-wash on the filter trips the GFI on the new electrical fixtures they brought up to code last week. 

So after ten days of giving Charlie meds for Montezuma's Revenge for drinking in the pond, I woke up to dog diarrhea again this morning. And he was doing so well!

I figure while I was outside working all morning yesterday tugging annual steroidal sweet potato vines out of the garden, he must have sneaked another sip or two while my back was turned. Sigh.

On a lighter note, look at the lovely tablecloth Celia from Adventures Of The Striped Stockings sent me weeks ago. I'm just getting around to showing it off. And guess what? She sent two different tablecloths! I will show the other one off later. What a dear she is.

So after yet another week of household calamities, I'm wanting to just snooze in the chair with Abi. 

Yes, that is indeed where you are accustomed to seeing my couch. 

I have probably committed the most egregious of decorating errors. By sending my couch and red chair down the street to the consignment shop. 

And buying two recliners. I know recliners will never be in decorating vogue. Yes, I do know this.

I doubt there's one recliner in my vast collection of decorating books. Nary a one. 

But you know what? My poor back isn't getting any younger. Sometimes you have to commit a decorating faux pas, and just flat out own up to it and go on. 

 We are looking at the prospect of possibly having our lawn torn up for a new sewer system. Cha-ching. This thought makes me very tired. 

Decorating etiquette cannot dictate all of life, can it? 

And the chairs are so heavenly to sit in. I get a Somerset magazine to read, kick back in my recliner with the dogs, and see light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Even though I may be written up for a shameful violation in the blogging decorating community.

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