Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Rearranging, My Favorite Form Of Exercise


Yesterday afternoon I got it into my head to do a little rearranging in the garden room. You know that compelling urge, don’t you? It’s like a gnat that keeps buzzing around your head until you swat it. Or in this case, start moving things about.


The couch, computer desk, and bookshelves are pretty much the only way they will work in this room, which is about 18X20. So I can play around with everything else. Which means one corner and the area in front of the bookshelves. As you can see, above, Charlie is taking charge of the situation at hand.


So really all I did was put my white Irish tablecloth over the little patio table, and turned the chairs outward toward the center of the room. I added a couple of my homemade pillows to the chairs. Then added the little red bench, which is a cheapie from Hobby Lobby from a few years ago.


I set the table for tea and added some candles. I wanted to add some green to the mix, because a little while back Manuela from The Pleasures Of Homemaking, one of my very favorite blogs, bought some green candles at IKEA in a shade that I heartily admired. Manuela is absolutely the best at displaying pretties. I visit her blog and just d-r-o-o-l over her seemingly endless creativity.


I had a doctor’s appointment last week in Dallas, so to IKEA we went. It was my first time to go to one of these stores. Oh, what an adventure to visit this gigantic place. I think I could easily have become lost in there. Which reminds me of that movie starring Natalie Portman where she stays in a Walmart store. Just turns it into her home for a time. Due to the fact that IKEA had a department with food, I think I could have camped out a few days!


Now I’m going to drive myself crazy trying to think of the name of that movie. Who can name that movie for me?


I’ve ordered a couple of decorating books from Amazon.com. Can’t wait to get them. One is “At Home With Country” by (Cabbages & Roses) Christina Strutt. The other is “At Home With Laurie Ann” by Laurie Ann McMillin Ray. Both are hard covers and were $19.77 each. I know nothing about the second one. I just saw it and liked the looks of it. And naturally I won't place an order at Amazon.com unless I'm ordering at least $25 worth to get the free shipping. So I’ll let you know my thoughts on them when they arrive.

And guess what’s on the newsstands?


I keep telling myself I’m going to subscribe to Where Women Create and Artful Blogging. But I don’t think you really get a price break by subscribing. (I could be wrong about that.) So I end up buying them from Barnes & Noble.

And I also picked up Anna Quindlen’s new novel. I normally never buy a new hard back book from the local bookstore unless it’s older and on the clearance rack. (Too bad I didn't know about it when I was ordering from Amazon.com.) But it was 30% off and I’m excited about this book. I read a review in People last night. So I’ve got a lot of reading to do. Now that I've quelled the rearranging furniture urge, I can do just that!

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